Mona Lisa Special

Current Special – $1500 for 3 treatments

Call our patient coordinator now at 504-312-3800



Dr. Duplantier’s Bay St. Louis, MS office is centrally located on the Gulf Coast. This provides easy visits for most of Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama. MonaLisa Touch is a new treatment that uses fractional CO2 laser energy to treat the symptoms you may be experiencing. MonaLisa Touch is a medical laser that delivers controlled energy to the tissue so cells make more collagen. This is an outpatient procedure that may have great success in resolving certain common post-menopausal issues. If you are interested in learning more about the MonaLisa Touch procedure and how it can help address your current issues, request to learn more about this procedure.

Call Charu228-467-2555

Learn More About The
MonaLisa Touch

Videos on the MonaLisa Touch Procedure and Female Wellness Benefits

Learn more about the revolutionary new procedure that can help women address certain issues they face after menopause or breast cancer. These videos are a great place to start, but for more information please call us or fill out the form to request more information.

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